Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My collar is too tight. I have outgrowed my baby one. You are going to have to cut it off of me with scissors. Didn't you know I was growing?


Monday, April 20, 2009

I Did Something Fun Today

That big little momma asked me to come to school for show and tell.

I sometimes forget that I'm not a cocker spaniel, and I tinkle when people greet me. I can't help it. I'm so excited!

There were so many kids there, they loved me! I tried to give all of them puppy kisses and love bites. That big little momma was so proud to have me there. I think she loves me.

That lady promises me we are getting up early to go for a walk tomorrow. Gosh, I hope she's not pulling my lankly leg.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stinky Place

That lady put me in the back of the car this morning. I thought we were going somewhere good like that other lady's house or the place with all of the good smells that takes a long time to get there.

But no.

That lady drove me straight through town and took me into the stinkiest place I had ever been in my life. As soon as the door opened, I smelled it and I knew I didn't want to go in. I even put the breaks on, but that lady forced me inside.

I had to get on this thing and this other lady said I weighed 33.3 pounds. Then, they put me in a room and an old man came in and gave me some treats. Then he poked me two times with something sharp.

I don't know what that was all about but I'm glad that's over with.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yay, It's Free Night!

I'm running around, jumping on the couch, jumping off the couch, barking at the cats, barking at Hailey, barking at the cats some more, jumping on the couch, jumping off of the couch, running around, barking at the girls, barking at that lady, running, biting at the air, jumping on the couch, jumping off the couch.

You should try it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bite Face

Hey, do you play this game?

It's called "Bite Face" and it is the best. I used to play it with my brothers and sisters. Thank Dog that Hailey and Daisy play it too.
In case you are new, bite face is where you and your best goggie friends bite faces. There is the gnashing of teeth, sneezing, growling, barking, and biting.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I Am Pretty

So I can pee anywhere I want, right?

Wait, What?

I heard that lady's car drive up. I know she's inside the house. Why am I still outside?

Thank Dog for wireless internet. I couldn't get anything done without it. I'd really like to nom on my keyboard, but if I do then I can't type anything.

My friend, Hailey, she doesn't know how to type. She wanted me to say, though, that she's got some stuff to say and that she'll be telling me soon.

There's a stick calling my name. Gotta get right on that.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I Just Need to Know

What is wrong about chewing on a razor blade?

I have heard of having a "sharp tongue". Maybe that's what I was going for. Maybe I wanted to sharpen my puppy teeth.

Screw you, lady, for always taking my fun.

Leggo My Eggo

I went to that real nice place this weekend. You know, that place that has all of the good smells and we get to run around? I've been there twice. I really like it for some reason.

Those people did this thing where they put eggs all over the yard. I don't know what they were doing, but the lady kept getting mad at me for picking them up and running off with them. She got really pretty mad at me for eating one. No one else was eating them. I thought it was pretty good.

I found lots of good dead things to roll in and I ate some deer dung. That lady didn't like that, either. You should see how she acts when I do what I do (and I don't even know what I'm doing so I don't know how she even expects me to know).

That place, though, they say we're going to go back. There is something about it that gives me a good feeling.